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Meet our 2020 Elevate Prize Winners

Alexandra Grigore
A UK-based nonprofit implementing biometric solutions to give people in the developing world hope and access to a better healthcare system. Simprints is also the winner of the MIT Solve Health Security & Pandemics Challenge.
Amanda Nguyen
Rise Justice Labs (RJL)
Rise Justice Labs’ mission is to help everyday people pass their first law.
Brisa De Angulo & Parker Palmer
A Breeze of Hope
Preventing childhood sexual violence through advocacy and providing legal, social, psychological, and medical services to survivors.
Chad Bernstein
Guitars Over Guns
Bridging the opportunity gap for divested urban youth through transformational access to music, connectivity, and self-empowerment.
Dixon Chibanda
Friendship Bench Global
An evidence based psychological therapy delivered by trained community grandmothers (lay health workers) from wooden park benches.
Fadi Daou
Adyan Foundation
Adyan is an NGO based in Lebanon that works locally and internationally for pluralism, inclusive citizenship and interfaith solidarity
Felix Brooks-church
Putting innovative technology in small mills to add lifesaving nutrients to staple foods & bridge the micronutrient gap for the world’s poor
Iffat Zafar
Sehat Kahani – Health for all
Leverage innovative care delivery through telemedicine whilst providing employment opportunities for female doctors through mobile solutions
Koketso Moeti
Amplifying the voices and collective actions of woman impacted by poverty to drive change.
Trisha Prabhu
ReThink: Conquering Cyberbullying
ReThink is a patented, innovative app that detects offensive messages and gives users a chance to reconsider posting them.