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Our winners are an extraordinary group of leaders, visionaries, and activists on a mission to solve some of the world’s most critical challenges — at a time in our history when it’s never been needed more.

The prize: $300,000 funding, expert tools, and support to take their world-changing work to the next level — and inspire others to take action.

Learn more about our winners, and join us in championing and supporting their work, and amplifying their impact.

Meet our 2024 Elevate Prize Winners!

Zarlasht Halaimzai
Championing refugees’ mental health – and rekindling joy – through safe spaces, group activities and psychosocial support.
Gayatri Datar
Developing natural building materials to create healthy and sustainable homes in rural Africa.
Wawira Njiru
Food for Education
Improving nutrition by providing subsidized nutritious meals to primary school children in Kenya.
Sonya Passi
Creating a community where survivors of intimate partner violence can heal, thrive and drive change together.
Mpindi Abaas
Media Challenge Initiative
Inspiring the next generation of journalists in Africa, on their mission to change the world.
Melissa Malzkuhn
Motion Light Lab
Advancing sign language fluency and equity through immersive content produced by an award winning creative lab.
Dr. Kwane Stewart
Project Street Vet
Treating pets whose families are experiencing housing instability or homelessness.
Daniel Forkkio
Represent Justice
Using the power of media to change the justice system. Turning stories into action.
Isabelle Kamariza
Supporting vulnerable patients in public hospitals in Rwanda to preserve dignity, accelerate recovery and promote health equity.
Sam Bencheghib
Sungai Watch
Innovating ways to stop the flow of plastic pollution in Indonesian rivers – and mobilizing a community for change.