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2020 JUDGE

Kristy Muir

CEO, Centre for Social Impact (CSI)

Kristy has worked for almost three decades with for-purpose organizations. She has undertaken over 80 projects with many government, not-for-profit, corporate, academic and philanthropic organizations which have attracted almost $28.5 million in funding. She has published widely in journals and in popular media, such as TEDx, The Mandarin, The Guardian and The Conversation.

Kristy founded CSI’s Change Collection series and Amplify Social Impact – one her most innovative and potentially transformational capacity-building projects. She is also a founding partner and governance member of the Financial Inclusion Action Plan and The Constellation Project.

In addition to being CEO of the Centre for Social Impact, Kristy is a Professor of Social Policy in the Business School at University of New South Wales Sydney. She has a PhD in social history and, prior to joining academia, worked in the not-for-profit sector.