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Brittany Wong
Program Coordinator

Brittany Wong is the Program Coordinator supporting The Elevate Prize Foundation’s Programs Team. She has a background working with nonprofits and supporting mission driven organizations. Before beginning her professional career she studied Environmental Studies and Urban Environmental Science at the State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry focusing on environmental injustices and human behaviors related to the environment. She participated in research projects related to risk perception of sea level rise and ADK social environmental issues.

Brittany is an Institute of Nonprofit Practice RISE Fellow and has supported past cohorts through coaching and mentorship. She previously worked at Echoing Green supporting the fellowship selection process and is excited to help more social impact leaders through The Elevate Prize Foundation’s mission to Make Good Famous.  Brittany is also a member of the Asian Interest Sorority Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority Incorporated where she led educational cultural events covering topics impacting Asian Americans such as the Model Minority Myth.

In her spare time, Brittany enjoys crocheting, going to the gym, sewing, collecting Squishmallows, and opening blind boxes. Her favorite foods are anything colorful and fun. She has lived in New York all her life, growing up on Long Island, and moved to Bayside, Queens with her boyfriend and Dog.