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Dr. Lisa Singh
Professor Department of Computer Science
Georgetown University

Lisa Singh is the Director of the Massive Data Institute and a Professor in the Department of Computer at Georgetown University.  She has authored/co-authored over 95 peer reviewed publications and book chapters related to data-centric computing, e.g. data mining, data privacy, and data science, and is a co-author of Words That Matter: How News and Social Media Shaped the 2016 Presidential Election.  Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research, the State Department, the Office of Naval Research, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, and the Department of Defense.  Current projects include understanding online social movements, developing methods and tools to better understand forced migration, learning from public, open source big data to advance our understanding of human behavior and public opinion, detecting and monitoring poor-quality information on social media, and understanding social structures and behavior dissemination in animal societies.   Her work has been featured in different media outlets, including the CNN, the Washington Post, and NPR. Dr. Singh is also involved in different initiatives focused on increasing participation of women in computing and integrating computational thinking into K-12 curricula. She received her B.S. from Duke University and her M.S. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University.