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Nancy A. Parker
Managing Attorney
Detroit Justice Center

Nancy A. Parker is the new incoming Interim Co-Executive Director of the Detroit Justice Center, primarily focused on fundraising. Immediately prior to this, Nancy was the Managing Attorney of the Detroit Justice Center’s Movement Lawyering Practice, where she focused on providing legal support to grassroots organizations fighting for racial justice in the city and surrounding communities. Nancy conducted know-your-rights trainings, presented on PIC abolition, provided research/analysis, and generally provided any other support needed to move abolitionist campaigns and projects forward. Nancy also engaged in direct representation of clients in various courts, including ongoing criminal representation of BLM protesters, and assisted with federal litigation.

Prior to joining the Detroit Justice Center, Nancy served as Assistant General Counsel in the legal department of the United Steelworkers International Union for over 8 years. In that capacity, Nancy fought for workers' rights, advocating for employees and their families in arbitrations, federal courts, and before the National Labor Relations Board.   Nancy earned her Juris Doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis, School of Law in 2011, and received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan.