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Adam Robinson
Paramount Global

Adam Mason Robinson was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. After receiving a B.A. in Film Theory, Adam moved to the Marshall Islands, where his days were spent barefoot English-teaching, mural painting and spear fishing.

As the Vice President of Social Responsibility at Paramount, Adam helps the company do good in the world -- spanning across employee and community engagement to cause marketing and social impact strategy. Prior to Paramount, Adam served as a communications consultant to non-profit organizations across the NYC-region, traversed the globe with Ogilvy & Mather, and developed co-branded pro-social marketing campaigns at Nickelodeon.

He has a M.S. degree in Nonprofit Management and currently co-chairs the Vote Early Day steering committee, a bi-partisan movement set out to make it easier for Americans to learn about their options to vote early as well as Philanthropy New York’s Service for Impact working group, a coalition of dedicated impact practitioners working to reimagine service and unlock more value out of volunteerism for both businesses and the community alike.

He drinks iced coffee year-round, and his favorite thing on earth (outside of family) is the World Cup.