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2020 JUDGE

Patrick Connor

Founder, Sharmada Foundation

Educated at Eton with a master’s in philosophy from Cambridge University, Patrick’s early journey included traveling widely, living in other countries, and becoming an entrepreneur. Yet powerful questions continued to arise for him: “What does success really mean? And “What is the ultimate possibility of a human lifetime?” So, he left his business career behind to pursue these questions

That pursuit transformed his life — he was reinvented as a spiritual teacher, healer, yogi, educator, and guide to leaders and groups.  Patrick founded the Sharmada Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping people transcend division and limitation of all kinds, and eventually to become whole, balanced, fully integrated and free – and thus able to develop their gifts to their highest capacity for the greatest good of all.

For over a decade, he has led many seminars and workshops for those who have the readiness to master life’s deeper challenges, the curiosity to discover and awaken its real possibilities, and the courage to live with irresistible inspiration.