Meet the Elevate Prize Finalists 2022
Abaas Mpindi
Media Challenge Initiative
Media Challenge Initiative is a youth-driven non-profit, building the next generation of journalists in Africa through training, mentorship and experiential peer-to-peer learning.
Anielle Francisco da Silva
Marielle Franco Institute
Marielle Franco Institute works to inspire, connect, and potentialize Black women, LGBTQIA+ and peripheral communities to keep moving the structures of society toward collective liberation by resourcing frontline, grassroots movements with best practices
Bianca Tylek
Worth Rises
Worth Rises is a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to dismantling the prison industry and ending the exploitation of those it impacts through extensive advocacy and systems change efforts
Bright Simons
mPedigree works to root out unsafe and counterfeit medications through the use of an SMS-based, toll-free method known as Goldkeys, which has been proven effective for low-resource and low-income communities across Africa
Cindy Eggleton
Brilliant Detroit
Brilliant Detroit is dedicated to providing families with children 0-8 with what they need to be school-ready, healthy, stable by repurposing vacant houses into vibrant community centers
Cristi Hegranes
Global Press
Global Press transforms international journalism by disrupting global narratives and promoting local access to information and stories
Crystal Echo Hawk
IllumiNative helps build power for Native peoples by amplifying contemporary Native voices, stories, and issues to advance justice, equity, and self-determination
Cynthia D. Fast, Ph.D.
APOPO saves lives by training animals, primarily African giant rats, to work alongside medical professionals to detect disease in patients, and to root out landmines in previously war-torn regions. Their goal is to scale globally in an effort to curb disease outbreaks
Daquan Oliver
WeThrive works to achieve justice and close opportunity gaps by equipping underestimated young people (ages 12-24) from low-income communities with the tools to rise as entrepreneurial leaders
Elijah McKinnon
Open Television (OTV)
Open Television is a platform for intersectional television, supporting artists and communities marginalized by their race, gender, sexuality, class, religion, disability or nationality: think community-based Netflix
Favianna Rodriguez
The Center for Cultural Power (Cultural Power)
The Center for Cultural Power mobilizes artists to envision a world in which cultural, economic, and political power are distributed equitably and where all human beings can live in harmony with nature
Isabelle Kamariza
Solid’Africa aims to preserve dignity, accelerate the recovery process, and promote health equity for vulnerable patients in public hospitals by supplying them with nutritious, healthy meals
Jaime Gloshay
Native Women Lead
Native Women Lead (NWL) works to revolutionize systems and inspire innovation by investing in businesses owned and operated by Native women
Kruti Bharucha
Peepul is working to transform learning in government schools so that children of the poorest families are provided with wraparound support, including holistic education curriculum
Nadia Murad Basee Taha
Nadia’s Initiative
Nadia’s Initiative is on a mission to create a world where women are able to live peacefully, and communities that have experienced trauma and suffering are supported and redeveloped through referrals to direct service agencies and policy reforms
Namya Mahajan
Rocket Learning
Rocket Learning is one of India’s leading nonprofits focused on catalyzing early childhood education and community engagement by distributing research-backed pedagogy focused on cognitive, numeracy, and literacy development
Piyush Tewari
SaveLIFE Foundation
SaveLIFE Foundation(SLF) is committed to improving road safety and access to emergency medical care across India by combining evidence-based interventions and advocacy to shift policies on a national level
Rachel Silverstein, PhD
Miami Waterkeeper (MWK)
Miami Waterkeeper works towards a vision of swimmable, drinkable, and fishable water for all while combating climate change through public advocacy efforts and science
Sana Mustafa
Asylum Access
Asylum Access supports forcibly displaced individuals and communities as they reclaim their rights, agency, and power through legal services and systems change policy work
Teresa Wanjiku Njoroge
Clean Start Solutions Limited
Clean Start Solutions works with women and children impacted by the criminal injustice system, to restore dignity and hope, for successful reintegration through employment training, referrals, and holistic services